Thoughts on Being Free and the Sea

This January morning we woke up before dawn and hit our favorite point break for some waves. Like many girls and women, for most of my life I’ve lived with an unrealistic standard of how my body should look. God is setting me free as I pursue wholeness over perfection. I’m pursuing strength over the scale. I’m focusing on my health and setting vanity aside. I no longer want to see my body as a project that needs fixing, but as a marvelously made vehicle for living. Our bodies are not ornaments, they are instruments. We are image-bearers of God, wonderfully made.  I’m grateful for the way my body allows me to exist in this broken, but beautiful world. I’m grateful for the way it allows me to hug the people I love, move and breathe and walk on the water. And I’m so grateful for the gift of the sea, there is no place I would rather be.

How can you see your body as a marvelously made vehicle for living rather than a project that needs fixing?

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