Co-Creating a More Intentional Life

Lately I’ve been meditating on the idea of co-creating a life you love with God. I’ve never liked the phrase “she created a life she loved.” Something about it doesn’t sit with well with me because God is the Creator and we are not. Only God can create our life. But we can create our habits, our routines, and our goals and ultimately in some ways we do get to co-create this life with God. 

Co-creating with God requires a posture of humility. We must humbly acknowledge that God is the author of our lives and has ordained our days before they have come to be (Psalm 139). We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9).

However, God gives us the freedom to decide how we will spend our days and this is where we are invited to co-create with God a more intentional life. 

So let me ask you some questions: 

  • What makes you come alive?
  • If you could dream up your perfect day what would it look like?
  • What rhythms, habits or routines can you implement to help you co-create with God more days that you love?
  • What do you need to say no to that is robbing you of peace and joy?

For me, that looks like rising before sun and spending time with God. It’s moving my body in ways that bring me joy whether that’s an ocean swim like today, surfing or spinning. It’s being quiet on social media and putting technology in its place to I can be a wise steward of my time and create deep and meaningful work. It’s being intentional with relationships and saying no to worthless things.

I believe God wants us to come to Him with our dreams, desires and goals, holding them with an open hand. 

So I dare you to dream big! How can you live a more intentional, joy-filled life? What does it look like to co-create with your Creator?

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